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Webpage Languages

C, C++, & C#


Webpage Languages


This language is probably the one that you are most familiar with, seeing as though you have found this site, but for those unaware, HTML is the language used to orient visuals on a webpage. The language is very unique in stucture compared to all the other languages. Interestingly, the design of the language seems pretty integral, with nested and contained code acting as rearrangeable blocks making the process of code more simple

This language is perfect for begginging coders and is also probably why many people can gravitate to the style of personal webpages.

to learn more, here is a great resource to use to learn HTML:



CSS is similarly abnormal, but for a different reason. What is interesting is that the language was made specifically to compliment another language, specifically HTML. However, its syntax is still akin to almost every other language. The expressed purpose of CSS is to apply attributes to HTML code, such as adding color, alignment, and position.

If you are learning HTML, CSS is necessary to develop effective code.

CSS should be learned along with HTML. Go here for tutorials:



JavaScript is similar to other, more traditional languages in terms of both structure and function. This language is mostly used to create interactive functions of a website. To accomplish this task, it is designed with the idea of sequences as well as causes and effects. That purpose seems to be what makes designing the language like the C language family beneficial.

It is recommended that JavaScript be learned after learning about HTML.

Go here for tutorials:
